I know everyone has just been dying to know what has been going on at the Dunn Plantation over the last couple weeks! Well, things are looking good. We saw signs of the cabbage worms back on attack so we have put out more dipel dust to eliminate this pesky creature. We are still getting TONS of spinach and lettuce. Yesterday, we harvested about 5-6 pounds of spinach and a pound of lettuce. We filled two gallon bags (packed extremely tight) of spinach and one gallon bag of lettuce. That's about $24.00 in spinach and $8.00 in lettuce! The spinach looks as if it might be slowing down, but there is still more to be harvested! The strawberry bushes are getting tiny green strawberries and the broccoli plants are starting to form heads. All and all, things are looking great!
We are off to a later start than usual, but the summer crop has been planted. Right after buying our seedlings we had two rainy days and then two nights with really cold weather. I guess we got lucky that our plants did not go in before that last scare of frost! Here's what we planted on April 25th, 2012:
- Watermelon - 8 plants
- Cantaloupe - 8 plants
- Cucumber - 12 plants
- Zucchini - 6 plants
- Squash - 4 plants
- Bell Pepper - 8 plants
Bell Pepper
Charleston Grey Watermelon
Pickling Cucumber
Our first strawberries!
We didn't get to the bush bean seeds in on this day, but on April 27th, 2012 we planted 216 bush beans (from seed). And no, that's not a typo....really.....216 bush bean plants!!!
Bush Beans