Today was one of those days where your back aches. I waged worm genocide today. Leaf by leaf, I sifted through 40 cabbage, 24 brussel sprout, and 16 broccoli plants crushing every cabbage worm possible. I'm sure a few escaped my wrath, but I was the stronger species today. They may be a more persistent being, but I have technology on my side. It is supposed to rain today and tomorrow, but once that has passed, I will unleash the chemical phase of my genocidal campaign. Dipel dust will eradicate these succubi. Well I was going for succubises (suck-u-bis-es), but I like succubi:
suc·cu·bus [suhk-yuh-buhs] Show IPA
noun, plural -bi [-bahy] Show IPA.
1.a demon in female form, said to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep. Compare incubus ( def. 1 ) .
2.any demon or evil spirit.
3.a strumpet or prostitute.
That is one good looking garden :)